Knight Guide

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Knight Expert Guide by Kopek RTENOTITLE

General info Knight Full Male.png

With every level, a knight will gain 15 hitpoints, 5 mana and 25 oz. of capacity.

Warrior regenerates 1hp every 6 seconds and 1 mana every 6 seconds.

Knight regenerates 1 hp every 4 seconds and 1 mana every 6 seconds.


Knight is great vocation to play for both solo players and people who wants to hunt with friends. Blocker is needed on most of teamhunting spots. Great vocation if you want to go on an adventure, above 150 lvl only few monsters can make a challange for good knight.

  • You need to skill a lot on low levels to make good exp and profit.
  • Knight's meele damage is so high, that you don't really need to use any offensive runes untill 100lvl.
  • Great vocation to make profit.
  • While hunting, burn your mana using exura to slightly decrease use of UHs, but after you reach 5mlvl, only burn your mana using exori spell on as many monsters as possible.
  • Can make good teamhunts with any of other vocations. Hunting with mages will get you a lot of exp, but hunting with druids will make you a lot of cash.
  • Sometimes you can survive lags or net kicks because of high hp pool.
  • You can always carry infinite sources of light like Frozen Starlight or any of the Colored Spellwands.
  • While blocking monsters with waves like Dragons its important to avoid standing in front of them, but always during teamhunts have in mind to try facing them opposite way from your shooters.


You don't need to follow the table step by step, there are chances that you will loot attributed items that are better than these on the list, its just the usual way people change their equipment. Use Steel Boots on spawns where you get big amounts of damage and on spawns that you break.

Helmet  Soldier helmet.pngSteel helmet.pngCrown helmet.pngCRUSADER HELMETRoyal HelmetDemon helmet.pngFULL HOTFKHF HELMET
Armor  Scale armor.pngPlate armor.pngKNIGHT ARMORCrown ArmorGolden ArmorDSMMPAHF ARMOR
Legs  Brass legs.pngPlate legs.pngKnight legs.pngGolden legs.pngWatcher LegsHF LEGS
Boots  Leather boots.pngBoots of haste.png + Steel BootsQuicksand boots.pngPatched boots.png
Shields Dwarven shield.pngDragon ShieldCrown_shield.pngVampire shield.pngDemon shield.pngMastermind shield.pngChaos Shield


Clubs aren't worth using at all. Axes are better choice for RPG players. If you are expecting yourself to join into PvP, take swords. Two handed weapons attack once a 3 seconds, 1.5x slower than one handed weapons. These also barely have any def. Use them only while hunting low meele damage enemies like Dragons, Warlocks, Tar Priests and similar.

Weapon List Pros Cons
Axe BARBARIAN AXEKnight AxeFIRE AXEHEAVY HALBERDVANQUISHERSCAor DEMONIC AXEGREAT AXE Early axes are better and easier to get. Better Atk than swords. Great Axe is a extremly hard to obtain.
Swords SPIKE SWORDFIRE SWORDGIANT SWORD/SHAKIRIAN BLADEANCIENT SWORDMAGIC SWORD/EXECUTIONER SWORD Better at blocking monsters than axes. Sword users can use Ice Rapier in PvP. Shakirian Blade and Ancient Sword sometimes might be difficult to buy.

Rings Axe Ring

Name Effect Price Notes
Axe Ring Axe Ring +4 axe fighting for 30 mins. 200-500gp They barely drop from dwarves, its hard to get them on low level. Manticores drops them a lot, but it requires high level to hunt them. You need to finish Blue Djinn Quest to buy them from NPC.
Sword Ring Sword Ring +4 sword fighting for 30mins. 200-500gp If you decide to hunt Orc Berserkers with Orc Leaders you will have plenty of them for free. You need to finish Blue Djinn Quest to buy them from NPC.
Life ring Life Ring 390hp and 390mana regeneration in 20mins. 700-900gp It's worth to use them only if you want to boost your mlvl for UHs or when you loot them by yourself. Easy to get tons of them from Tar Priests and Dragon Lords.


To gain fighting skills you need to make blood hits on monsters at least once a 10 turns. You don't need to be hit or sparked by monsters to gain shielding. Best sword weapons to skill are Knife, Dagger, Rapier. Best for axes are Sickle, Hand Axe, Hatchet. Better carry all 3 weapons of your fighting style, in case you deal too much or too little damage.

Skill Monster Place Note
10+ Crystal Bug - The beast creature to skill on everywhere you want. You need a mage to summon one of these. Lure some weak creatures like Rats or Wasps to train your shielding. You can convince them on 82lvl.
10-30 Trolls Map.png Map.png They drop food. Better trap them with parcels to avoid them running away.
30-40 Rotworms Map.png Map.png They don't have any healing, make lootbag out of them, they drop food.
40-60 Dwarf Map.png They don't have any healing, make lootbag out of them, they drop food.
40-60 Minotaur Map.png They don't have any healing, make lootbag out of them, they drop food.
60-70 Slime Map.png Tag the mother slime to know which not to kill. Skill only on summons. Bring food with yourself.
70+ Gargoyle Map.png Map.png Best wild monsters to skill on. They heal themself, but be careful not to kill one. You can basically fully afk skill on them. Bring food with yourself.

Hunting Spots

Solo hunting

Level Monster name Skills Location Notes Method
8-9 Snake 10+ Map.png Easy task to earn your first money for equipment. Mastermind shield.png
9-13 Wasp 15+ Map.png Wasps won't deal you any damage if you have plate set. Burn your mana using Utevo lux Mastermind shield.png
13-17 Ice Tomb 20+ Map.png If possible, use parcels or similar items to block monsters, killing them one by one. Mastermind shield.png
17-25 Larva 30+ Map.png The Osaris Faction task. If possible, skin them using Skinning Knife. It drops food. DEMONIC AXE
25-29 Dwarf 40+ Map.png Fine lootbag monster. It drops food. Mastermind shield.png
29-34 Dwarf Soldier 50+ Map.png Good lootbad monster. It drops food. You should have at least few IH or UH runes. Mastermind shield.png
34-38 Ghoul 50+ Map.png Very good exp and great money monster. Make lootbag. Carry few UH runes. Mastermind shield.png
38-42 Cyclops 60+ Map.png Good exp monsters but drops nothing. Carry at least 2 backpacks of UH. DEMONIC AXE
42-65 Dwarf Guard 65+ Map.png Great exp and a lot of profit. Carry at least 5 backpacks of UH. Mastermind shield.png
65 Scarab 65+ Map.png The Osaris Faction task. You need it to access Shakir. DEMONIC AXE
65+ Mummies 65+ Map.png Lightbringer Faction task. Very good exp and decent money. DEMONIC AXE
70+ Sandbeast 80+ Map.png You need good weapon to hunt these monsters. They hit twice a round, 2 of these breaks your shield. Kill them one by one in narrow passages, if you can't, use HMMS, it's worth to GFB top floor with 6 of them at once. Mastermind shield.pngHMM
75-85 Orc Berserker 75+ Map.png Really comfortable monsters to hunt, a lot of profit and good exp. Try to never get hit by more than one, Fireballs will boost your exp and you still will profit. Mastermind shield.pngFB
85+ Dragon 75+ Map.pngMap.png Good exp and profit place. Task gives tons of exp. Dragon Slayer or Dragon Lance with Dragon Slayer attribute is great here. Avoid waves, lootbag everything. DEMONIC AXEHMM
85+ Waterblob 80+ Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Basically fire-immune slime. Tag summons and then kill the mother, summons will count as kills. Mastermind shield.pngHMM
90+ Crystalbeast 80+ Map.png Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. They don't see invisible. Skin for addon items. They run on low health. DEMONIC AXEHMM
100+ Orc Leader 75+ Map.png Do all of the remaining Minotaur Faction tasks. Mastermind shield.pngHMM
110+ Ancient Scarab 75+ Map.png They drop so much money that hunting them with GFBs shouldn't be waste. Be aware of paralyze, they can easily trap you. Mastermind shield.pngGFB
120+ Wendigo 80+ Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Be careful of luring more than one. Their skins are expensive, especially the antlers. DEMONIC AXEHMM
120+ Snow Ravager 80+ Map.png Strenght similar to dragons, but their meele hits more, they don't have any abbilities. DEMONIC AXEHMM/Mastermind shield.pngGFB
130+ Frost Drakes 80+ Map.png Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Great place to hunt solo and in teamhunts. Good exp with average lootbag loot, but there is small chance for Frozen Shield, Royal Helmet and extremly rarely Crystallized Crossbow. Collect frozen hams, high lvls will buy them for good price. DEMONIC AXEHMM
140+ Tar Priests 85+ Map.png Tylar's Task. Lure out its summons and it will barely do any damage. Hunting it without any runes will get you tons of profit, great profit even for very high levels. DEMONIC AXE
140+ Fiery Beetles 85+ Map.png Good profit place but pretty bad exp. Usual loot is nice, but there is extremly small chance to loot very expensive Fiery Bow. Its skins are always on high demand. DEMONIC AXEHMM
150+ Dragon Lords 85+ Map.png High exp place. Common usually loot pays for waste, semi-rares are profit. DEMONIC AXEHMM
170+ Warlocks 90+ Map.png Very nice and comfortable place to hunt. If possible, get weapon that has Gouge. DEMONIC AXEICE HMM

Team hunting

Level Monster name Skills Location Notes Method
70+ Dragons 75+ Map.png Map.png Best place to teamhunt on these levels. Good exp with profit. DEMONIC AXEHMM +RANGER
100+ Frost Drake 80+ Map.png Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Good exp with average lootbag loot, but there is small chance for Frozen Shield, Royal Helmet and extremly rarely Crystallized Crossbow. Collect frozen hams, high lvls will buy them for good price. DEMONIC AXEHMM+RANGER
110+ Nether Spider 80+ Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Good exp and average loot. DEMONIC AXEHMM+RANGER
120+ Dragon Lord 80+ Map.png Very good exp and good exp. Chance for nice items with attributes. DEMONIC AXEHMM+RANGER
130+ Fiery Beetle 85+ Map.png Good profit place with average exp. Chance for extremly rare Fiery Bow. Its skins are on high demand. DEMONIC AXEHMM+RANGER
140+ Lernaean Hydra 85+ Map.png These monsters got low armor, making it great to hunt with rangers. Everytime they lose 1/3 of its hp amount of waves it can cast increases. Be careful, because red hp hydra's wave can be deadly. DEMONIC AXEHMM+RANGER+RANGER
150+ Ice Golem 85+ Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Lure them and kill 3 by 3. Average exp and money. Use runes only on full hp. Be careful of Ice Colossus. Mastermind shield.png+DRUIDEXPLOBURSTS
150+ Frost Dragon 90+ Map.png The Order of Holy Rose faction task. Very good exp with good money. Collect frozen hams, they will sell for good price. DEMONIC AXEHMM+RANGER+RANGER
160+ Dragon Lord 90+ Map.png Now you should be able to hunt Dragon Lords 3 by 3, killing them with explos or mage's Energy Beams Mastermind shield.pngEXPLO+MAGE
180+ Chimera 90+ Map.png Map.png With high enough hp pool you are able to survive it's full combo. Kill them one by one, be careful, retargeting can be deadly, mages should always wear Energy Rings. If possible, find place where it can't wave you. Mastermind shield.pngICE HMM+RANGER+RANGER
190+ Behemoth 90+ Map.png Very high exp but low return of gold. Hunt them only if you want to do War Axe task. Mastermind shield.pngEXPLO+DRUIDBURSTS
200+ Frost Dragon 90+ Map.png Block them 3 by 3 and use explosions, or mage should Energy Beam. Mastermind shield.pngEXPLO+MAGEBURSTS
220+ Manticore 90+ Map.png Always wear Dwarven Ring while hunting them. Avoid waves whenever its possible. Be careful in case of retarget, it can instantly kill mage without Magic Shield. Mastermind shield.pngEXPLO+DRUIDBURSTS
240+ Lightbringer Camp 90+ Map.png Block Lightbringer Knight 3 by 3 and kill it with explos or mage's Energy Beam. If you feel confident enough you can block 6 at once and let mage Energy Wave you. Mastermind shield.pngEXPLO+MAGE