Golden Armor

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Golden Armor
You see a Golden Armor (Arm:14). 
It weighs 80.0 oz.
It's an enchanted armor.
Item Rank:100
Properties:Dexterity (4), Strength (4), Intelligence (3)
Superior (1), Fortitude (7), Lean (-30), Resistance (Energy, 2%), LINKED:{Strength (5) + Dexterity (4) + Intelligence (4)}
Description:It's an enchanted armor.
Weight:80.0 oz
Dropped by:Warlock, Walius, Red Wyvern, Priest of Light, Priestess of Light, Skeleton Warlord, Undead Titan, Gorgon, Chimera, Abomination, Shadow Drake, Magma Dragon, Phoenix, Radiant Phoenix, Blood Sphinx, Ritualist, Groma, Radiant Crusader, Radiant Paladin
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
ArakTravelling Merchant (1,500 gp)
FalconEnorth (20,000 gp; only after completing the The Explorers Guild)
OsarisZiyad (20,000 gp; only after completing the Loyality and Devotion Quest)
Outlaw CampP.K. (580 gp)
Grazlin10 Chalcopyrite Bar.gif Chalcopyrite Bars, 20 Vanadinite Bar.gif Vanadinite Bars, 14 Gold Bar.gif Gold Bars, 1 Heliodor Bar.gif Heliodor Bar
Note:Can be obtained in the Titan Quest

Can be obtained as a reward from Royal Griffin Lair
Can be used to craft 1 Gold Dust by throwing on the Leviathan on the way to Arcanum
Possible reward from The Magma Lair dungeon.

Old sprite: Golden Armor.gif

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