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Revision as of 06:47, 22 July 2024 by Exador (talk | contribs) (The vocation bonus of Crusader Knight has been changed from 5% increased blocked damage to 1% resistance to all damage. *update 7.40)
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A promotion is a permanent vocation upgrade, the first promotion is purchasable by premium players at level 20+ (if you lose premium your promotion is temporarily disabled until you get premium again). As well as a new title, promoted players will have enhanced regeneration, a lowered death penalty and a new spell. The first promotion can be bought for 20,000 gold from these NPCs in-game:

The second promotion is received from Emperor Arsene upon completion of the Demonic Faction in Sheol. It is intended for very high levels and provides a further upgraded title, regeneration benefits, death penalty reduction, as well as a damage boost for archers and defense boost for knights. Check below for details.

First Promotion Benefits

Upgraded Title

Upon promotion, your character receives a new title depending on your vocation:

  • Druids become 'Guardian Druids'.
  • Knights become 'Imperial Knights'.
  • Archers become 'Royal Archers'.
  • Mages become 'High Mages'.

Reduced Death Penalty

Promoted characters will have a reduced death penalty of 2.2%, 0.3% lower than the regular 2.5% you lose without promotion or Blessings.
Item drop rates upon death however remain unaffected.

Increased Regeneration

The rates shown below refer to Legacy and Destiny's Regeneration rates. Higher rate world characters regenerate at twice the speed.

Health Regeneration

  • A Knight's HP regeneration will go from 1 HP every 3 seconds to 1 HP every 2 seconds.
  • An Archer's HP regeneration will go from 1 HP every 8 seconds to 1 HP every 4 seconds.
  • A Druid or Mage's HP regeneration will go from 1 HP every 12 seconds to 1 HP every 6 seconds.

Mana Regeneration

  • A Knight's Mana regeneration will go from 1 Mana every 6 seconds to 1 Mana every 5 seconds.
  • An Archer's Mana regeneration will go from 1 Mana every 4 seconds to 1 Mana every 3 seconds.
  • A Druid or Mage's Mana regeneration will go from 1 Mana every 3 seconds to 1 Mana every 2 seconds.

New Spells

Some vocations will be able to learn a new spell or 2 when from Nordag after they receive their promotion.

Second Promotion Benefits

Upgraded Title

Upon receiving the second promotion, your character receives a new title depending on your vocation:

  • Guardian Druids become 'Arch Druids'.
  • Imperial Knights become 'Crusader Knights'.
  • Royal Archers become 'Master Archers'.
  • High Mages become 'Supreme Mages'.

Reduced Death Penalty

Characters promoted with the second promotion will have a reduced death penalty of 1.9%, 0.6% lower than the regular 2.5% you lose without any promotion or Blessings.
Item drop rates upon death however remain unaffected.

Increased Regeneration

The rates shown below refer to Legacy and Destiny's Regeneration rates. Higher rate world characters regenerate at twice the speed.

Health Regeneration

  • A Knight's HP regeneration will go from 1 HP every 2 seconds to 1 HP every second.
  • An Archer's HP regeneration will go from 1 HP every 4 seconds to 1 HP every 2 seconds.

Mana Regeneration

  • A Knight's Mana regeneration will go from 1 Mana every 5 seconds to 1 Mana every 3 seconds.
  • An Archer's Mana regeneration will go from 1 Mana every 3 seconds to 1 Mana every 2 seconds.
  • A Druid or Mage's Mana regeneration will go from 1 Mana every 2 seconds to 1 Mana every second.

Archer Damage Increase

  • A master archer receives a 5% boost to their damage with distance weapons.

Knight Defense Increase

  • A crusader knight receives a 1% resistance to all damage.