Small Diamond

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Revision as of 21:48, 3 February 2022 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs)
Small Diamond
You see a Small Diamond
It weighs 0.1 oz.
Weight:0.1 oz
Dropped by:Mercenary, Mercenary Cavalry, Crypt Shambler, Cave Troll, Dragon, Swamp Demon, Forgotten Pharaoh, Chimera, Holy Sentinel, Uliaarthar
Buy from:
AbukirEvona (600 gp)
ArakAnnushka (600 gp)
CironeLona (600 gp)
EschenDianne (600 gp)
GarrogatLeunaurd (600 gp)
IcenhaalLizbeth (600 gp)
LucindelEdea (600 gp)
MittenhoffRorin (600 gp)
OsarisLihsha (600 gp)
ThorisAstrid (600 gp)
YehshaAsha (600 gp)
Sell to:
AbukirEvona (300 gp)
ArakAnnushka (300 gp)
CironeLona (300 gp)
EschenDianne (300 gp)
GarrogatLeunaurd (300 gp)
IcenhaalLizbeth (300 gp)
LucindelEdea (300 gp)
MittenhoffRorin (300 gp)
OsarisLihsha (300 gp)
ThorisAstrid (300 gp)
YehshaAsha (300 gp)
Note:Commonly used for decorative purposes.

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