Leather Legs

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Leather Legs
You see Leather Legs (Arm:1). 
It weighs 18.0 oz.
Weight:18.0 oz
Dropped by:Bandit, Cave Troll, Dwarf, Dwarf Renegade, Dwarf Dragoneater, Hunter, Minotaur, Minotaur Mage, Ogre Gruntz, Stalker, Vampire, Wild Warrior
Buy from:
AbukirDelia (10 gp)
ArakBronislav (10 gp)
CironeJeyden (10 gp), Kalvos (10 gp)
DynahallGirdan (10 gp)
EschenAndre (10 gp)
GarrogatRisdarick (10 gp)
IcenhaalDaevi (10 gp)
LucindelValandril (10 gp)
MittenhoffDosli (10 gp)
NovusNorma (10 gp), Al Dee (10 gp), Dixi (10 gp), Lee'Delle (10 gp)
OsarisHasain (10 gp)
ThorisDietrich (10 gp)
ViliasPeter (10 gp)
YehshaNoranim (10 gp)
Sell to:
ArakTravelling Merchant (1 gp)
EschenAlbert (1 gp)
LucindelBariela (1 gp)
Note:These will probably be your very first legs. It's smart to buy them as soon as you can on Novus as they provide a cheap armor point. Part of the Leather Set and the Minotaur Set.

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