Throwing Knife

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Throwing Knife
You see a Throwing Knife (Atk:25). 
It weighs 5 oz.
Weight:5 oz.
Loot value:5 - 25 gp
Dropped by:Eye of Shadow, Orc Leader
Buy from:
AbukirTamara (25 gp), Rasul (25 gp)
ArakNadya (25 gp)
CironeHazlit (25 gp)
DynahallGirdan (25 gp)
EschenFrank (25 gp)
GarrogatRisdarick (25 gp)
IcenhaalSpec (25 gp)
LucindelDalos (25 gp)
MittenhoffGlorin (25 gp), Mutig (25 gp)
OsarisHorif (25 gp), Quasim (25gp)
ThorisDietrich (25 gp), Cord (25 gp), Agathe (25 gp)
ViliasPeter (25 gp)
YehshaAadim (25 gp), Rihs (25 gp)
Sell to:
AbukirTamara (3 gp), Rasul (3 gp)
ArakNadya (3 gp)
CironeHazlit (3 gp)
DynahallGirdan (3 gp)
EschenFrank (3 gp)
GarrogatRisdarick (3 gp)
IcenhaalSpec (3 gp)
LucindelDalos (3 gp)
MittenhoffGlorin (3 gp), Mutig (3 gp)
OsarisHorif (3 gp), Quasim (3 gp)
Outlaw CampP.K. (2 gp)
ThorisDietrich (3 gp), Cord (3 gp), Agathe (3 gp)
ViliasPeter (3 gp)
YehshaAadim (3 gp), Rihs (3 gp)
Note:Difficult to loot in good amounts and otherwise expensive so rarely used.

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