Violet Gem

From Medivia Online Wiki
Violet Gem.png
You see a Violet Gem
It weighs 0.3 oz.
Weight:0.3 oz
Dropped by:Ancient Watcher, Uliax, Centaur Mystic, Pegasus, Abysmor
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
AbukirEvona (50,000 gp)
ArakAnnushka (50,000 gp)
CironeLona (50,000 gp)
EschenDianne (50,000 gp)
FalconIsolde (50,000 gp)
GarrogatLeunaurd (50,000 gp)
IcenhaalLizbeth (50,000 gp)
LucindelEdea (50,000 gp)
MittenhoffRorin (50,000 gp)
OsarisLihsha (50,000 gp)
ThorisAstrid (50,000 gp)
YehshaAsha (50,000 gp)
Note:The rarest lootable gem on Medivia.

Known to be obtainable as rare loot from the omen Uliax and Ancient Watcher.
1 is required for a mission in the Magnum Opus Quest.

Old sprite: Violet Gem.gif

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